Quran Tafseer (Jalalyn)

Quran Tafseer


The footnotes of the Maktabatul Bushra edition is an invaluable resource. Students are encouraged to read the entire footnotes.

Further Reading - Arabic Commentaries

الفتوحات الإلهية (المعروف بحاشية الجمل)

المفصل في تفسير القرآن العظيم (فخر الدين قباوة)

Further Reading - Related Books in Arabic

Students should refer to the following tafasir as a supplement to their Tafsir studies. (These are all available on www.furqan.co and are listed in order of increasing difficulty.

تفسير البيضاوي

تفسير النسفي/تفسير البغوي

روح المعاني (تفسير الآلوسي)

التحرير والتنوير

التفسير الكبير (تفسير الرازي)

Useful Websites

This website has multiple Arabic resources.

This website has multiple English translations.

This website has multiple Urdu translations and commentaries.