Sarf Games

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Unit 1


Recognising the صِيَغ.

Recognising the صِيَغ.

Part 1: الْمَاضِيْ

Recognising the first 6 صِيَغ.

Recognising the remaining 8 صِيَغ.

Practicing the entire table .

Recognising the endings of اَلْمَاضِيْ.

Translating اَلْمَاضِيْ.

Part 2: الْمُضَارِعُ

Recognising the first 6 صِيَغ.

Recognising the remaining 8 صِيَغ.

Practicing the entire table .

Recognising the endings of اَلْمُضَارِعُ.

Translating اَلْمُضَارِعُ.

Part 3: الأَبْوَابُ

Recognising the أَبْوَابٌ.

Part 4: الْمَجْهُوْلُ

Recognising the first 6 صِيَغ of الْمَاضِيْ الْمَجْهُوْل.

Recognising the remaining 8 صِيَغ of الْمَاضِيْ الْمَجْهُوْل.

Practicing the entire table .

Translating الْمَاضِيْ الْمَجْهُوْل.

Recognising the first 6 صِيَغ of االْمُضَارِعُ الْمَجْهُوْل.

Recognising the remaining 8 صِيَغ of االْمُضَارِعُ الْمَجْهُوْل.

Practicing the entire table .

Translating االْمُضَارِعُ الْمَجْهُوْل.

Part 5: الْأَمْرُ

Recognising the first 3 صِيَغ of الْأَمْرُ.

Recognising the remaining 3 صِيَغ of الْأَمْرُ.

Practicing the entire table .

Translating الْأَمْرُ.

Part 6: النَّهْيُ

Recognising the first 3 صِيَغ of النَّهْيُ.

Recognising the remaining 3 صِيَغ of النَّهْيُ.

Practicing the entire table .

Translating النَّهْيُ.

Part 7: اِسْمُ الْفَاعِلِ

Recognising the first 3 صِيَغ of اسْمُ الْفَاعِلِ.

Recognising the remaining 3 صِيَغ of اسْمُ الْفَاعِلِ.

Practicing the entire table .

Translating اسْمُ الْفَاعِلِ.

Part 8: اِسْمُ الْمَفْعُوْلِ

Recognising the first 3 صِيَغ of اسْمُ الْمَفْعُوْلِ.

Recognising the remaining 3 صِيَغ of اسْمُ الْمَفْعُوْلِ.

Practicing the entire table .

Translating اسْمُ الْمَفْعُوْلِ.

Unit 2

Recognising بَاب تَفْعِيْل وَمُفَاعَلَة وَإِفْعَال.

Recognising بَاب تَفَعُّل وَتَفَاعُل وَانْفِعَال.

Recognising بَاب افْتِعَال وَاسْتِفْعَال وَفَعْلَلَة.

Recognising أَبْوَاب مَزِيْد فِيْهِ.