


Students should be able to:

Teaching Methodology

Each student will be allocated a text they must prepare before the lesson.

The student will read, translate, and do tarkib of the sentence in class. The teacher will supervise this process but not give answers.

The teacher will explain and clarify any necessary points.


Details of requirements and allocated points are as follows:

Year 1, Term 4: 

Write 10 Sentences using vocabulary covered during the term or a short story comprising of minimum 100 words. (5 Points)

Year 2, Term 1: 

Story (minimum 200 Words) 

Year 4, Term 1: 

Story (minimum 300 Words)

Sample Course Work 

Year 3: Sample 1


In previous years, some classes made a shared Google Document in which they wrote the translations of the texts. This helped in creating translation skills and precision. If students wish, they can also create a similar document which they can share amongst themselves.  


Some resources for this subject are available here.